Payment Systems

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PayCargo is a B2B online payment platform for the freight and cargo industries.
Full Company Description

PayCargo is the number one financial platform for moving money and vital remittance information between payers and vendors. PayCargo’s online solution allows you to move cargo quicker and reduce payment costs more than any other platform available. Our patented technology effortlessly registers your company so that you can immediately start making payments to your freight vendors. PayCargo has over 4,000 vendors in its network including major ocean carriers such as Hapag Lloyd and Hamburg Sud; air cargo providers like Air France, LAN Cargo, Swissport, Air General, and Total Air; and hundreds of terminals and CFS stations. Over 1,000 of these vendors release the cargo within an hour after receiving the “Payment Approval” alert from PayCargo. All other vendors release cargo no later than the next morning. For a more secure, efficient way to reduce costs associated with payment processing and to eliminate the traditional resource-intensive system of requesting, printing, mailing and delivering checks, wire transfers or cash, join other leading freight shipping companies and sign up with PayCargo today.

+1 (888) 250-7778
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