Digital Issue User Guide

We have created this guide to help optimize your digital reading experience. Below are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions:


How do I turn the pages?

You can either turn the pages by clicking the arrow next to the reader or by clicking and dragging the corner of the page.


You can also navigate through the pages using the thumbnails that appear at the bottom of the screen.


How do I zoom in or increase readability?

Click directly on the page where you would like to zoom. You can increase or decrease the zoom using the scroll wheel on your mouse, or using the zoom slider that appears at the top of the screen.

Click and drag the page to navigate while zoomed. Click anywhere on the page to return to full spread view.


How do I jump to a page?

Cover stories and the items in the Table of Contents are linked directly to the page in the magazine. Simply hover over a story, and click to be taken to its page.


What is the toolbar?

Located at the top of the screen is a row of icons, offering readers an enhanced experience with even more features.


A) Download the Issue

Click the first icon located in the toolbar to download the issue in PDF format.

B) Search

Search for specific keywords or topics within the entire issue.

C) Settings

Adjust your zoom and page transition settings. Zoom can be set to single page or spread view. You can also adjust your page transition to flip (automatic), slide, or presentation view.

D) Bookmark

Save your place within the issue.

E) Thumbnails

View all of the pages at-a-glance.

F) Translate

Translate a single page or an entire spread via Google Translate.

G) Exit

Exit the reader.

H) Fullscreen

Expand your view to fullscreen.

I) Clipping Tool

Capture anything on a page to print or save as an image.


Can I view the digital issue on my mobile phone?

Yes. Much of the functionality of digital issue via desktop is available on your mobile phone. For example, you can zoom in and out and click through to hyperlinked content. The mobile version does not allow for downloading as a PDF. If you’d like to download the PDF on mobile, please request the desktop site within your mobile browser. This allows for the same functionality as the desktop view.


If you have any other questions in regards to the readability of the publication, please feel free to email us your inquiry directly.