The fifth installment in Air Cargo World’s 2021 webinar series, “Thinking outside the terminal: Cargo airports of the future,” is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 9, at 11 a.m. ET.
The webinar will include a live panel discussion on the response to the unprecedented airfreight growth caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, cargo growth amid recovering passenger capacity, and how airfreight operators are using automation and innovation to navigate capacity and labor shortages at airports. The discussion will be followed by a question-and-answer session with the panelists.
The following topics will be highlighted:
- Best practices for nurturing cargo while rebuilding passenger aviation;
- Justifying on-airport innovation and automation; and
- Getting handling right for the next wave of growth
Register or learn more about the free webinar set for Tuesday, Nov. 9. Watch the previous webinar on air cargo technology trends here.