Air China Cargo, the Beijing-based joint venture between Air China and Cathay Pacific Airways, began this year the way it finished 2014: as one of the fastest-growing combination carriers in the world.
In the first half of 2015, the carrier’s revenue freight tonne kilometers (RFTKs) increased by 23.54 percent year-on-year to 3.2 billion. Including figures from the surge in traffic at the end of 2014, Air China Cargo has seen nine consecutive months of double-digit, year-over-year percentage growth in cargo traffic. .
During the same first-half period in 2015, capacity has grown at nearly the same rate, with available FTKs reaching 5.8 billion – a 22.48 percent y-o-y rise. The cargo and mail load factor was 54.41 percent, an increase of 0.47 percentage points, as compared to the corresponding period last year. The cargo yield (excluding fuel surcharges) was US$0.17 per RFTK, a year-over-year increase of 0.2 percent.
“Air China Cargo was able to continue to optimize its route structure after completing the replacement of its fleet for U.S. and European routes,” the company said. “The round-the-world route operated smoothly, with a steady increase in cargo volume for the U.S.-to-Europe sector. We have continued to upgrade our product range by adding very competitive high value-added and transit products. By enhancing our sales management, we have made use of passenger-cargo combination operation to achieve complementary advantages.”
In the first half, Air China Cargo said it had achieved profit of US$16.9 million, representing a turnaround of US$37.4 million.